The White Throated Dipper

Latin - Cinclus Cinclus | Swedish - Strömstare

The White-Throated Dipper, a charming bird, is often found near swift-flowing streams. Its striking white throat and aquatic acrobatics make it a fascinating subject.

Unlike most other birds, which have a very light skeleton to be able to fly, the Dipper has a heavier skeleton to be able to dive more easily. Underwater you can see how it swims with its wings, it can even walk on the bottom by holding on with its claws.

However, capturing them on camera can be a challenge. These dippers are quick and agile, darting in and out of the water. Photographers must be patient, skilled, and prepared to get close to their watery habitats. The result? Stunning images that showcase both the bird’s beauty and its remarkable aquatic lifestyle.

Usually encountered as singles feeding inconspicuously among rocks and pools. Often bobs persistently when standing, and flies strongly and low over the water, with whirring wingbeats.

Loud, repetitive song is somewhat thrush-like, and carries well over the rushing water. Call is a dry “tzitzit.”

© Vild Bild - TheWhite Throated Dipper - Roland Aalto
© Vild Bild - TheWhite Throated Dipper - Roland Aalto


© Vild Bild - TheWhite Throated Dipper - Roland Aalto
© Vild Bild - TheWhite Throated Dipper - Roland Aalto
© Vild Bild - TheWhite Throated Dipper - Roland Aalto
© Vild Bild - TheWhite Throated Dipper - Roland Aalto
© Vild Bild - TheWhite Throated Dipper - Roland Aalto
© Vild Bild - TheWhite Throated Dipper - Roland Aalto
© Roland Aalto - Vild Bild - The White Throated Dipper
© Roland Aalto - Vild Bild - The White Throated Dipper
© Roland Aalto - Vild Bild - The White Throated Dipper
© Roland Aalto - Vild Bild - The White Throated Dipper